Common Wheel is a Glasgow based charity that supports people with mental illness by providing meaningful activities. In addition to our very successful music and bike projects, last year we piloted a new visual arts project, ‘Carnival Club’, and this year we are delighted to roll out this project further, and are now taking referrals. Carnival Club is a course is designed for people with mental illness, referred by their GP or mental health professional.
The course runs for two hours per week for twelve weeks, at our workshop within Gartnavel Royal Hospital. Our professional artist and Common Wheel staff will work with a small group of clients to design and produce a large scale piece of visual art, using a range of materials from willow to paint, for use in one of Glasgow’s Street Carnivals. The aim of Carnival Club is to develop life skills (confidence, self-belief, motivation) and specific skills that can be useful in the work place (time keeping, communication, following instructions). Our clients also make new friends, get creative, have fun, and have the opportunity to become involved in their local community.
Maryhill bike workshop – Neil McDonald
This is our registered address and main postal address
77 Chapel Street
G20 9BD
T: 0141 946 0777
E: [email protected]